
“What is your favourite Movie?” I dunno

“What is your favourite Music/Song?” I dunno

What is your favourite Food?” I dunno

“What is your favourite Colour?” I dunno

You would think someone would know their own favourite things right? It seems obvious! And so these are so often the go-to questions when starting conversations with new people – especially online where we often lack real context to begin the conversation and just have to pick a topic starter out of the ether.

Yet when placed on the spot – I know I can rarely come up with a real answer for any of these. I don’t have a single favourite movie.. My musical tastes change constantly depending on my mood and various other factors, I like lots of types of food, and even my favourite colour changes periodically because it isn’t that strong of a preference…

My experience has been that most people are in the same situation – they don’t really have an answer. Even if they have a favourite, they freeze up when confronted with the question out of nowhere.

Half the time, the person who leads with this question doesn’t even have an answer for it themselves. It is just poorly thought out and lazy – frustrating for both parties of the conversation.

On the other extreme, of course, you have someone who only wants to talk about their own favourite thing – and asks the question merely as a pretense to take over the conversation and talk about themselves. This isn’t always bad, but you could just as easily lead with “I love ____, do you? Want to talk about it?”

I don’t really have a point here. Just rambling. Move along, citizen.


