Translation: Insanity/Madness
AKA: The semi-coherent ramblings of a random lunatic on the internet.
I’m not advertising or monetizing this site. If you are reading this frankly I have no idea how you even found it, but don’t take anything written here too seriously. I haven’t researched any opinions expressed here, may change them, may not even hold an actual opinion on the subject, or may even play devils advocate for my own true opinions merely to put some thoughts into writing to try to understand those who may hold such opinions. Many posts may even just be sheer nonsense. Even if a post does change my view or I have a grand epiphany from putting it down in writing – I may not choose to write it down here.
Basically don’t take anything here seriously. If you don’t like random ramblings, feel free to stop reading them. Again, no idea how you even found this page in the first place.
Maybe some day I’ll even open it up for other people to scream nonsense into the internet void should they wish to do so – who knows.
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